Prices of Dental Fillings in Malaysia

Tooth filling is a common dental procedure that is used to restore damaged or decayed teeth. The cost of tooth filling in Malaysia varies depending on the type of filling material used and the complexity of the procedure. Generally, there are four types of tooth filling materials used in Malaysia, namely temporary, amalgam, composite or glass ionomer cement (GIC), and onlay or inlay.

Temporary fillings are the most affordable option and cost between RM60 to RM120. These fillings are usually made of a soft material that is designed to last for a short period of time. Temporary fillings are often used as a temporary solution before a permanent filling can be done.

Amalgam fillings are made of a mixture of metals, including silver, mercury, tin, and copper. They are durable and can last for many years. The cost of amalgam fillings in Malaysia ranges from RM80 to RM150.

Composite or glass ionomer cement (GIC) fillings are made of a tooth-colored resin material that blends in with the natural color of the teeth. They are more expensive than amalgam fillings, costing between RM120 to RM350. However, they offer better aesthetics and are less noticeable than amalgam fillings.

Onlay or inlay fillings are custom-made fillings that are designed to fit the shape of the damaged or decayed tooth. They are the most expensive type of filling, costing between RM400 to RM800. However, they provide the best aesthetics and are the most durable option.

It's important to note that the cost of tooth filling may vary depending on the dental clinic you visit and the location of the clinic. Additionally, some dental clinics may offer promotions or discounts for certain types of filling materials.

In conclusion, the cost of tooth filling in Malaysia varies depending on the type of filling material used. Temporary fillings are the most affordable option, while onlay or inlay fillings are the most expensive. It's important to consult with your dentist to determine the best option for your specific dental needs and budget.

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