Directions to Follow After the Wisdom Tooth Surgery in Dental Clinic

After having wisdom tooth surgery, it is important to follow your Dentist or Dental Surgeon’s instructions to ensure a comfortable recovery. Here are some general guidelines to follow:

  1. Bite on the gauze or cotton pad as directed by the Dentist till bleeding stops. You can change the gauze every 30 mins. If the bleeding is still persistent after 5-6 hours you could be having a bleeding problem. Contact the staff of the Dental Clinic for advice.

  2. Take the prescribed pain medication and antibiotics as directed. Make sure you complete the antibiotics course.

  3. Use cold compresses or ice packs on your face to reduce swelling and discomfort. There will always be a certain amount of swelling and pain. If it gets too much contact the staff of the Dental Clinic.

  4. Keep your head elevated while lying down to help reduce swelling.

  5. Avoid strenuous physical activity for a few days after surgery.

  6. Eat soft, cool foods and drink plenty of fluids. Avoid hot liquids and spicy or hard foods. You can start to eat light food once you have the bleeding under control.

  7. Gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water a few times a day to help keep the area clean and reduce the risk of infection.

  8. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption for at least 24 hours after surgery. If you cannot avoid, minimize the intake as much as you can.

  9. Do not touch or poke the surgical area with your tongue or fingers.

  10. If you experience persistent pain, fever, or other unusual symptoms, contact your oral surgeon for further evaluation and treatment.

It is important to follow your oral surgeon's specific instructions and to contact them if you have any concerns or questions about your recovery.